Welcome to Redeemer Brunswick!
We are glad that you are considering joining with us for worship this sabbath day.
Redeemer is a warm and loving congregation of Believers in Jesus Christ, who gather to worship Jesus Christ in Spirit and truth and who support and fellowship with one another throughout life.
Here are some frequently asked questions.​
Where does Redeemer meet? 1812 Ellis Street 31520. We meet in the sanctuary. Advent Christian Church, with whom we share a building, meets in the fellowship hall.
What time is worship? Sunday school is from 9:30-10:15. Worship begins promptly at 10:30. We also meet each Sunday at 5 pm to make a full day of the Sabbath.
What should I wear? External appearances are not what is important, rather the inward condition of one's heart. Whether in shorts, or a coat and tie, come with a humble heart that confesses sin and leave with a joyful heart that has received grace.
Do you have child care? We do provide child care for infants and toddlers. Otherwise, we practice family worship. That means that parents have their children with them in worship. This introduces the children to the practice of worship and they learn from their parents. We are very used to hearing the noises of children and even infants during our worship.
What is worship like? We put the preaching of the Word central in worship. There are some responsive readings, prayers and Scriptures read, all which point us to Christ and the preached Word. Preaching is expository, verse by verse studies of the depths of books of the Bible and applying the truths therein to the hearts of Christians.
Music is a tasteful blend of traditional hymns and some contemporary hymns.
We celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. Our table is open to all those who are members in good standing in a church that teaches salvation by grace alone, by faith alone through Christ alone.
We look forward to meeting you soon.